The Sweet's Biggest Hits
1. Wig-Wam Bam  (Chinn-Chapman)  2:57  2. Little Willy  (Chinn-Chapman)  3:10
3. Done Me Wrong Alright  (Connolly-Scott-Tucker-Priest)  2:53
4. Poppa Joe  (Chinn-Chapman)  3:07  5. Funny Funny  (Chinn-Chapman)  2:46
6. Co-Co  (Chinn-Chapman)  3:08  7. Alexander Graham Bell  (Chinn-Chapman)  2:50
8. Chop Chop  (Chinn-Chapman)  2:55  9. You're Not Wrong For Loving Me
(Connolly-Scott-Tucker-Priest)  2:44  10. Jeanie  (Connolly-Priest-Tucker-Scott)  2:53
11. Spotlight  (Connolly-Scott-Tucker-Priest-Scott)  2:42

1972    RCA SF 8316  (UK)                      Time:  32:40

Charts:  1972  Ger 30   Aus 58

Produced by Phil Wainman
for New Dawn Productions Ltd.










The Sweet's Biggest Hits
1. Co-Co  (Chinn-Chapman)  3:08  2. Chop Chop  (Chinn-Chapman)  2:55
3. Alexander Graham Bell  (Chinn-Chapman)  2:50  4. Wig-Wam Bam
(Chinn-Chapman)  2:57  5. Little Willy  (Chinn-Chapman)  3:10
6. You're Not Wrong For Loving Me  (Connolly-Scott-Tucker-Priest)  2:44
7. Done Me Wrong All Right  (Connolly-Tucker-Priest-Scott)  2:53  8. Poppa Joe
(Chinn-Chapman)  3:07  9. Jeanie  (Connolly-Priest-Scott-Tucker)  2:53
10. Tom Tom Turnaround  (Chinn-Chapman)  4:07  11. Spotlight
(Connolly-Scott-Tucker-Priest-Scott)  2:42  12. Funny Funny  (Chinn-Chapman)  2:46

CD-version: 1992    BMG Ariola  74321 10630 2  (Germany)    Time:  36:47

Produced by Phil Wainman
for New Dawn Productions Ltd.